A college student was leading a simple life with his family, but the narrative abruptly took a dark turn when tragedy struck. The looming question remained: how would he react to this unforeseen misfortune?
Latest Release:
Escape Plan .
Father life .
Dive into the past .
Another phone call .
A phone Call .
- g Beginning
- College
- Pa College Pa
- ho Trip to ho
- co Father sco
- St Tragedy St
- h Aftermath
- Funeral
- t Guidance t
- k Life back
- no I guess no
- Ap Monster Ap
- a Guide of a
- tt Legal Batt
- tt Legal batt
- tt Legal Batt
- tt Legal batt
- M Hospital M
- Faceoff
- Escape
- st True Monst
- PO Killers PO
- Reunion
- Li College Li
- fe Happy life
- Ca A phone Ca
- ph Another ph
- o Dive into
- if Father lif
- la Escape Pla