In the remnants of a shattered world, the New Earth rises, governed by Angels divided by destiny. Battle Angels wage war against darkness, while Healer Angels, the unsung, mend the aftermath. Among them is Judah, a Healer whose life is upended when betrothed to the Angel Prince—a union meant to uplift her kind.
But Judah’s fate is entwined with ancient secrets. She is a pawn in a game that spans beyond earthly realms, where dark forces once vanquished stir in the shadows. As the hierarchy trembles, so does the barrier between light and darkness.
This is a story of power, prejudice, and a fragile peace. It is the tale of a healer who stands at the crossroads of salvation and ruin. In New Earth, every shadow whispers a secret, and every light may cast a perilous path.
Step into a world where the line between ally and enemy blurs, and where the truth is a rare commodity. For in New Earth, the most significant battles are fought within, and the greatest threat may come from the heart.